“it’s a bummer heights high”

By Steve Pessah

so the first season of “Summer Heights High” is over, and for those who followed every move of Jonah, Mr. G, and Ja’mie like i did, Sundays are not quite as exciting as they were. this show was an instant hit in the United States (show started in Australia), and kids quickly started quoting lines without any hesitation. “that’s so random” and “puck you miss” are now said as much as “you and your men are the biggest mistake in the history of NASA” (Armageddon) and “get off my train” (Ghost).

people will try to imitate Jonah’s “dictation” tag. they will attempt to raise money like Ja’mie’s AIDS in Africa fundraiser. they will name their dog Celine. they will do anything to keep SHH in their life.

i wish there was another alternative for sundays, but there isn’t. football is almost over, Californication is projecting their third season to come out late this year (which probably means early 2010), and Flight of the Concords really doesn’t seem that interesting. so for now, all we can do is reminisce about the times of breakdancing fights, arena spectaculars, and a 35 year old man playing a 16 year old girl.


Filed under television

5 responses to ““it’s a bummer heights high”

  1. i have never heard anyone say “you and your men are the biggest mistake in the history of NASA”, in my entire life X]
    and also, what’s SHH mean?

  2. Roodiy you are the biggest mistake in the history of NASA

  3. Seltz

    they arent my friends theyre homos im doing this for some schupid program

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