Monthly Archives: February 2009

Anyone interested in yahoo fantasy baseball league?

By Steve Pessah

the time is upon us once again. fantasy baseball time! i brought this imminent issue up to cuse before class:

me: yo, we should do fantasy baseball.

cuse: yeah, we should.

i decided to take action myself. i sent out 48 text messages… only 20 made it back.

“Anyone interested in yahoo fantasy baseball league?”

1. Nah im straight my man

2. Na man I’m interested in watchin movies from the 50s tho. (he was a friend in the class i was in. yes, we were watching 50s movies.)

3. Yuppp

4. Fuck what dude i knew they weren’t tic tacs

5. Shut up

6. Interested in losing?

7. Only if i get arod

8. im down

9. Any1 interested in sucking my cock!

10. I’m interested in yahoo fantasy sex with you

11. Probably. In class right now

12. Interesting.. go on

13. Ya

14. No

15. Yes

16. Already in one mang.

17. Ummm yes

18. i’m down

19. Think I’m gonna pass, too much brain time needed to be good there.

20. yeah im down for fantasy

i thought this was a very interesting case study. my small sample of 20 men between the ages 18-25 showed that there is some interest in fantasy baseball, while others were more interested in making a sexual pass at me. nothing wrong with that. i’m not even mad, i’m actually impressed.

for those living under a rock, ken griffey jr. is back on seattle. there is a baseball god.

thanks to you 20 who responded. i have no words to the other 28. that is all.

i love fantasy baseball.


Filed under life, sports

Deja Vu: My Feelings, in Poetry Form

By Steve Pessah

what’s deja vu? i think it’s dreams,

dreams that have happened so far in your sleep.

you forget about them but they come back,

in essence your dreams already know your track.


your dreams look past the present.

think about it before you say no,

how do we get that feeling

like we’ve experienced this in times ago?


imagine how cool it would be,

to be able to have an open mind a total mobility.

move around your dreams like you want to,

create a deja vu that you please, technically.


i’ve been meaning to write a post about my thoughts on deja vu. today, my hangover enabled me to only make it to my first class. i felt like if i opened my mouth to talk, i would throw up. that is what i will be writing to my professor. i’m sorry mom and dad.

then, my brain told me to smoke some medicine take some medicine, lay back, and finally put my thoughts on paper (computer). the creative side effects of the medicine told me to write it in the form of a poem, which i did, with occasional problems. (Sometimes it’s just very hard to rhyme.)

i’m not even sure if it makes sense. i’m not even a fan of poetry. in fact, i actually hate it. i read this over once, realized that it probably doesn’t make sense, and then called it a day. my apologies. three hours of class in a basement room with no windows, or blog about deja vu in poetry form, watch my roomates kill endless amounts of zombies (just bought Left 4 Dead), and try not to fill my toilet with the mini pinwheel noodles i just ate (i’m not sorry about the visual you just got).  i chose the latter for you, so you can read this grimacing tale.

i hope you enjoyed whatever i just wrote.

to my distaste of poetry, i thank you professor robinson.


Filed under thoughts

Steroids in Baseball

Here are two stories that my Dad wrote about the ongoing steroids issue in baseball. The first one was published in ESPN the Magazine, and you can find the second one on Click each link to take you to the story.

Who’s on trial in the Bonds case? Not just Barry.

Will names of other 103 be released?

Enjoy your Valentine’s Day.

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Filed under sports