I <3 Infomercials

By: Kris-Ann Panzella

I love infomercials.  I always have.  It probably has to do with the onset of insomnia as a young child.  I could never fall asleep, still can’t, the solution:  turn on the TV.  I would fall asleep to some Welcome Back Cotter on Nick at Night and I would wake up hours later to some fantastic products.  Because of this I consider myself an expert on info-mercials.  I know them all, I love most of them, and the best part is I’ve never ordered a damn thing. 

Today I discovered this video, and it’s stinking hilarious.  Yes I said stinking hilarious.  It is the creme-de-la-creme of infomercials.  Check out the Cock Shot, it’s awesome.


Filed under life

2 responses to “I <3 Infomercials

  1. mickey

    you’re a dirty liar. 2 words. strap. perfect.

  2. That’s hilarious! I love infomercials too. My favorites are the ones with Vince Offer, Sham Wow and Slap Chop. They are so entertaining.

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