2009 Music Rewind


So far this year has been full of collaborations and great sampling from today’s artists that are constantly pumping out of our headphones and speakers while walking to class or in the clubs. Some of them come from the most unlikely of places and knock you off your seat, where others just seem to feel like the different artists have been working together for years despite their different styles.

Lady Gaga, who with her retro 80’s style and intoxicating sound that finds its way on every radio you have on is no exception to this. So get ready for another one that is sure to grow on you. DMV’s very own Wale, who has been named by XXL magazine as one of the next big things to happen in ’09, has Lady Gaga on his new track “Chillin’”. Don’t expect this appearance from Lady Gaga fool you though, it definitely is a different pace from her previous work so far because basically we get her best attempt at pulling an impression of M.I.A. in this one. But the hits featuring Lady Gaga don’t stop there…In a collaboration between Kanye, Kid Cudi and Common, we have the new single “I Poke Her Face” which has the simplest of samples from Lady Gaga’s “Poker face” which besides its obscene topic is catchy and leaves you thinking if maybe Kanye has finally decided to drop the whole synthesized voice gimmick of his recent album. This is one of those songs that take some time to grow on you, but once it does you wont be able to get away.

In keeping with the Kanye train. A group collaboration between Kanye, Pharell from the Neptunes and N.E.R.D., and the free flowing Lupe Fiasco have come together to form the group project known as “Child Rebel Soldiers”. Although they formed back in 2007 as a project, Lupe fiasco has been on the record saying that an album should be here mid to late 2009. In the spirit of the possible album I give you “Us Placers” which emphasizes the trio’s individual styles with an appearance by Radiohead’s front man Thom Yorke.

Next on the on the list of kick ass sampling is Chiddy Bang with their new single “Kids” which borrows it’s beat from MGMT’s own song called “Kids”. Not only does it have a great techno beat, but it only makes you wonder just how far Chiddy Bang could go when they release their yet to be named EP this summer.

Lastly I give you Pittsburgh’s own Wiz Khalifa who brought you the hit “Say yeah” last year. He comes back from obscurity by sampling the Jackson 5’s “it’s great to be here in your arms” with his recent single “Its Great 2 Be Here” which showcases his humble approach to the rap game and his unorthodox approach to getting his name out there.

In any case, give these songs a listen and see what you think. I apologize in advance if you cant get at least one of these off replay on your ipod.

I Poke Her Face


Us Placers


Songs are compressed into one folder here: http://www.zshare.net/download/58606331178f2496/

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