Category Archives: free sh*t

Nothing Like a Happy Ending


“It’s the little things.” An expression my father often employs in times where insignificant events result in incomprehensible happiness. And this story is no different…

It was a hot, sweaty Tuesday in the Murray Hill area. As I passed pissed-off ‘9-to-5’ers, I walk back to my shoebox of an apartment knowing that my light-at-the-end-of-the-tunnel is just minutes away. I had waited countless hours for this moment of glory: a moment that had taken all night long to prepare, a moment for which I had worked my fingers to the bone. As I opened my freezer to find my favorite summer delicasse, Fla-Vor-Ice freezer pops, to my horror, I find 16 frozen pops (6 fruity flavors), and only ONE (1) blue one.

While I can understand and do appreciate the few exceptions, most folks have a general understanding that blue is the flavor of choice for all who have working taste buds. In a word, I was shocked– flabbergasted, even, that this company to whom I have been a dedicated, long-term patron would present me with a box of mere disappointment. 16 frozen pops, and 6 fruity flavors??? Well, I’m no Einstein, but 16 fruity pops divided by 6 fruity flavors is at the very least, 2 pops per flavor, per box.

In the heat of my frustration, I sent the following letter to Jel-Sert, the Fla-Vor-Ice manufacturing company:

To whom it may concern at Jelsert, the Fla-vor-ice manufacturing company,

After an 11 hour day slaving for a corporation, I come home to find my favorite, fruity, flavorful, frozen treat. In the past, I have consistently been satisfied with your product. In my eyes, your product’s track record has been immaculate, as nothing slaps a smile on my face quite like a slushy, refreshing, blue, Berry Punch Fla-vor-ice.

Today, however, was a different day; a sad day. I come home to my box of 16 colors of tasty wonder only to discover a single, sad, lonely, blue Fla-vor-ice: merely a solitary soldier drowning in a hopeless sea of red, purple, pink and orange.

‎In the future, for hard working Americans like myself, please make my day by ensuring at the very least, an equal amount of each color.

I would hate to have to regret expressing my undying love and affection towards what I believe is pure happiness. After all, I only hope to continue purchasing my $1.99 magical box of six equally-balanced fruity flavors.

‎Needless to say, tonight for me was a very blue one.

Perhaps an entire box of Berry Punch Fla-vor-ice will turn my frown upside-down. Otherwise, I fear nothing will mend this broken heart.

Regretfully yours,

Understanding such solid customer loyalty in such poor economic times, the folks at Jel-Sert sent me a lengthy explanation and description of the process, not to mention 3 free boxes of Fla-Vor-Ice.

Needless to say, I will continue to purchase this fun frozen treat, remembering that good customer service goes a long way, and that nothing tops off a fruity, flavorful story quite like a happy ending.

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Filed under awesome, communication, free sh*t, life