Tag Archives: conservatism

Save America. Vote Limbaugh 2012

By Matt Siracusa

For all you college hippies who had no interest in politics until Obama came along, and for those who think of the words racist, naïve, and redneck hillbillies when they hear the word conservatism (my roommate honestly called me a racist when I said I am a supporter of conservatism): take a break from staring at your Obama poster above your bed and read about what conservatism actually is. Better yet, start listening to Rush Limbaugh. Some true conservatives may disagree that Rush speaks about true conservatism, but I feel he is close enough.

Yes, Obama is a very likable, inspiring person who I actually do like. But his policies of big government and redistribution of wealth are issues that seemed to take a back seat at this election. Instead, people voted on the basis of change. People wanted a change from the past eight years of failed Bush Policies. They are policies that did not follow true conservatism, and which can and are being blamed for our current economic crisis. Or you can blame Clinton’s government regulations that forced some banks to take on bad mortgages and led to the sub-prime mortgage crisis. I know I do.

I like to believe that Obama is a very smart person. I also like to believe that he took his positions on certain policies only in order to be elected as the Democratic Nominee and that he will not follow up on certain things such as increased taxes, increased spending and bigger government during these tough economic times because he knows it will inevitably lead to America’s doom.

I am hopeful that Barack will not follow through with his “Nanny State” plans, but as the days go by and talks of another, yes, ANOTHER stimulus package begin to surface, it seems more likely he will. That is why I have decided to nominate Rush Limbaugh, the conservative talk radio host of the most popular talk show on the air, to become the 45th President of the United States in 2012.

Now, before you go all crazy and tell me how stupid I am, take a second to listen to Rush and see if you find yourself agreeing with what he’s saying. Here’s a clip from Rush’s speech from the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC). You should watch the entire 11 min.

“We can take this country back. All we need is to nominate

the right candidate. It’s no more complicated than that.”

Brilliant. I recommend watching his full 90 minute speech on youtube. It is quite entertaining even if you do not agree with him.

You might be asking yourself why Rush Limbaugh? If you are such a supporter of conservatism, shouldn’t you be supporting Ron Paul? Well the answer is because of electibility!! (According to spell check I made up this word…) Because of Ron Paul’s foreign policy, which would call for an end to all foreign intervention (pretty good idea), and his remarks during the 2008 Republican debate in which he suggested that America’s foreign policy directly contributed to the terrorist attacks on 9/11 (which makes a lot of sense and I’m pretty sure is why it happened), Ron Paul does not sit well with the backbone of the Republican party, the warmongering rednecks and Jesus Freaks who believe America is “God’s Country”.

Since these hillbillies and God lovers really do cling to their guns and religion, getting the support of these people is key in being elected as the Republican nominee (just as it is to get the support of woman and minorities to become the Democratic nominee). Since I do not think Ron Paul can get the support of these groups (which sucks but that’s politics), I believe that the next best person with a high enough electibility is Rush Limbaugh himself. I can picture Rush winning the Republican nominee by sticking to true conservative policies and having no problem “taking of the gloves” and destroying Obama in the presidential debates.

Now I am Pro-choice and I am for same sex marriage and I believe in separation of church and state (highly recommend Bill Maher’s Religulous). However, an increased federal government role that destroys the ideals that allowed this country to become so prosperous is something I will not vote for.

The underlying message here is that it is time for the Obama love affair, especially among young people, to end. Voters need to stop considering themselves Democrats just because they voted for Obama. If you believe in big government, wealth distribution, a failed welfare program, and of course higher taxes that will go to failed government programs, then you are a Democrat and should vote to re-elect Obama in 2012. But, if you believe that the role of government is to protect the freedom of the people so that individuals can pursue their own goals and desires, then I urge you, especially those who voted for Obama because of his persona and ability to inspire, to listen to what Rush has to say with an open mind. Lets start the movement to get Rush Limbaugh elected as the 45th president of the United States to Save America.


Filed under life, politics, the future, the past, thoughts