Tag Archives: facebook

First Ever Post

By Chris Hotzak

I’d like to welcome myself to the wonderful world of blogging.  I feel a certain pressure to be witty and cool during this post.  I don’t know if it’s because my friends always have awesome posts, or because it’s my first time.  Popping my cherry baby.

So I’m finally conforming to this ever changing world.  I am starting to get up to speed on the social media world.  It is a vast and complex world let me tell you.  Every day there is something new coming out, or some concern about your privacy on social networks.  Facebook has had so many issues with their privacy settings that some have formed protests to delete their Facebook accounts. Does this sound familiar?  I don’t really see the point of deleting your account, just set your privacy the way you want.  I used to be scared of this social media blitz, but once you get a grasp on it, its about as scary as a furry newborn bunny (I have baby bunnies living in a hole in my backyard).

I recently just “walked” for my graduation.  I put it in quotes because I graduated in December, but my school did not have a ceremony then.  My school made whoever graduated in December walk in May.  I got a short term job coming out of college at a tax consultant office.  This was a temporary fill, and not in the least what I want to do in life.  It’s funny, you spend all of college gearing a major towards something that you want to do.  Most people don’t even get jobs in the major that they completed at college.  I have no idea what I want to do for the rest of my life.  I want to get experience and knowledge so when the right opportunity comes, I will be ready.  It’s scary to think about your future.  If only I can win the lotto.

So the point of this post was to get familiar with blogging.  Even though this was a short post, I give everyone credit who can blog.  I found this rather tough, yet challenging to come up with something relevant to post about and keep a focus.

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Filed under blog, life, social media

Google Comes Back

By Steve Pessah

The rise in social media platforms has been a big blow to Google. They tried starting their own social network, Google Buzz, but that was a disappointment. More and more people are using social sites like Facebook (even with all of the privacy concerns they’re poised to hit 500 million users by the end of June, 600 million by the end of the year) and Twitter on the web. Google used to be the leader in internet traffic, but now Facebook is king. With the world moving towards a more social web, Google needed to do something quick or else they might have been left in the dust.

Google’s I/O Conference this week could not have come at a better time for them. They announced a variety of different news, ranging from a new Android Marketplace to partnering with Intel, Sony, and Logitech for Google TV. With Google TV, which will eventually integrate with Sony Playstation, viewers will be able to use their television to search for and watch both content on TV and the web. Even though it won’t be available until the fall, developers already have the OK to work on Google TV projects.

While we’re waiting for that, we can already enjoy Google’s superb mobile OS, Android. After getting sick of waiting for the iPhone to come to Verizon, I went out and got the HTC Incredible, which runs on Android 2.1. I love it. My friends who play with it love it. The phone itself is great, and the operating system is even greater.

In Day 2 of Google’s conference, Android’s new 2.2 OS, named Froyo, was the big talk. Here are a couple of impressive points:

  • More than 60 compatible devices for the Android OS.
  • There are 100,000 daily activations of Android devices every day.
  • 50,000 applications in the Android marketplace.
  • Can go to Flash and HTML sites with Froyo.

As quoted from Mashable, “It makes the iPhone look like a clunky, locked-down piece of junk, in so many words.”

The continuous positive announcements coming from Google reminds us of how powerful they still are. Earlier today, the FTC approved Google’s $750 million acquisition of mobile advertising platform AdMob. This looks like another head on battle between Google and Apple for mobile advertising space (Apple acquired Quattro Wireless earlier in the year for $275 million).

But to top it all off, in celebration of Pacman’s 30th Anniversary, Google lets it’s users play a little Pacman right on the homepage. The board is in the shape of the Google logo, but everything else is the same, including the ghost’s individual personalities. Once again, Mashable sums it up perfectly: “And with that, the world’s collective productivity takes a sharp plunge on this Friday.”

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Filed under internet, life, mobile, social media, technology, television, websites

Sarah Palin’s Facebook Page

Thanks to Brittany McLaughlin for this.

Sarah Palin's Facebook Page

Debate tonight. 9 PM. Be there.

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Filed under comedy, politics