Tag Archives: NFL

The Status update of the NFL


Chris Hotzak

With every new NFL season, there is optimism and hope for your favorite team.  Facebook statuses and Twitter accounts were updated constantly today with football notes and quotes.  Mine was updated all about my Giants. (They won today btw).   Social Media is a huge part of athletes lives and different sports teams. OchoCinco was even fined by the NFL for tweeting when he shouldn’t this preseason. (Not the first time, or second, or third this has happened).   This post will be my attempt to compare some social media aspects, to various NFL teams, and various aspects of the NFL.

The Jets have run their mouth all preseason, which makes them a target for everyone that they play.  By knowing that they think they are the best, every team is given extra incentive to try and go and rob some wins from them.  Correlation? Please Rob Me.  This website allows you to see which users of Foursquare and Facebook Places are not home, and as a consequence, there has been a big robbery ring that uses this information to take tons of money from these users.  It’s basically the concept of over-sharing.  Rex, keep your mouth shut before you get robbed.

The Seattle Seahawks? Their leader is Pete Carroll, who has fled from USC, while probably knowing fully that the USC program was going to get sanctioned.  Correlation? Mark Hurd signing with HP, after being CEO for Oracle.

So who or what do you think I’m going to compare Mark Zuckerberg’s latest proclamation that Facebook isn’t going public? Yup! Bill Belichick and the Patriots.  Bill coaches and makes decisions however he wants, doesn’t care who he has to answer to or what the consequences are going to be.  Him and Zuck could never work together.

Let’s compare my NY Giants to Facebook.  The mecca of social networks.  Bias? Maybe.  The Giants are always going to have competition, whether the other team is going to be better, well that’s a question for Sunday.  Ping could eventually be Facebook’s competition, with 1 million users in 48 hours, but for right now…Facebook remains the social media Giant.

Maybe later in the week, more social media news can be compared to the NFL.  For now, I’ll stick to the teams I outlined.  Lets go Giants!

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Filed under Business, controversy, internet, music, social media, sports, technology, the future

now that Cutler is taken, where does this leave the Jets?

By Steve Pessah

if you’re a New York Jets fan, you were probably extremely upset when Jay Cutler went to the Chicago Bears earlier this week. he could have saved the Jets. Cutler, a 25 year-old pro bowler who has a cannon for an arm, was certainly a much better option than Kellen Clemens or Brett Ratliff. he could have been the missing piece to the Jets’ never-ending puzzle.

but, the Jets lost him, and the Broncos took Kyle Orton and three draft picks (including 2 first round picks) in return for Cutler. so where does this leave the Jets?

unfortunately, it leaves them in a tight spot. fortunately though, i have a solution: Michael Vick.

yes, you read right. that solution does read Michael Vick. to all the Jets fans out there, just for a second, imagine having Vick as our quarterback… (i hope that went well.) he could really bring a new element to the Jets offense. he’s probably in great shape (minus the delicious prison food), and lets be honest, he’s a much better option than the two back-up quarterbacks the Jets have in store.

Vick is hoping to be reinstated to the NFL, where he also hopes to be playing football this season. although his initial bankruptcy plan was rejected, there’s still a possibility his new plan could revolve around playing football as well.

what Vick did was horrible and disgusting. but, in this day and age, when people fuck up, they pay the price. once released in July, Vick will have completed his 23 month sentence in a Kansas federal penitentiary. he is broke, the world hates him, and he might not be allowed to continue playing the sport he was born to play.

i think he’s paid the price for what he’s done. i think he deserves a second chance, and i think the Jets should give it to him. (pending if NFL Commish Roger Goodell gives Vick the ok, of course.)


Filed under controversy, sports, the future, thoughts