Tag Archives: seo

Google’s first strike back against Facebook

By Steve Pessah

With Facebook recently reaching 500 million users, many thoughts about Google and the importance of SEO have been turning sour. People are spending more and more time on social networks, and the trend isn’t slowing down. Today though, Google confirmed a test that could have a fairly large impact if integrated: search results that update as you type.

This essentially creates a new page for every letter that you type. This means the search results are always changing now, instead of before where there was a fight for the top search results. Increasing the amount of search results (almost exponentially), increases the importance of SEO, which directly affects social networks (mostly their advertising dollars). Facebook tried to edge Google by integrating the “Like” button, which attempts to replace links. This is Google’s response back to them.

But is this enough to deter people away from social searches and recommendations from their friends? This feature may help Google make more personalized searches, but remember, this is only a test.

With Google’s rumored social network project Google Me being pegged as a full-fledged competitor to Facebook, let’s hope to see tests like these become fully integrated. These seem to be the stepping stones to the introduction of their last gasp in social networking.

(via TechCrunch)

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