Tag Archives: sporcle

the cure for boredom

By Steve Pessah

there are many times when i’m on my computer and i just can’t find anything interesting to read/play/do. fml took the world by storm, but now it just seems repetitive. texts from last night is the newest website fad. it looks like some people like it, but i don’t see anything appealing. they’re short text messages  that people “shouldn’t” have sent the night before (they’re embarrassing, silly, whatever). so… now they’re sharing them with the world? i just love American culture. you don’t even put your name, but your area code instead. once again, the writer stays anonymous (similar to juicycampus, fml). lets just throw responsibility out the window, what do you say?

anyway, sporcle is a site i’ve been in love with for a dogs age. sporcle is a game site that has thousands of trivia games, covering topics like music, sports, movies, television, holidays, and even geography. there are countless hours of anti-boredom games here. the best thing is that it’s for everyone! if you can’t find a topic you’re interested in, get off your computer and go outside.

here’s a couple of my favorites:

10 Most valuable franchises for each major sport

5 Letter countries

100 Greatest movie characters (according to Empire Online)

enjoy the day.


Filed under games, life, technology, websites