Tag Archives: yankees

a few things that should be known for the new year

By Steve Pessah

1. the baltimore ravens WILL beat the tennessee titans

joe flacco for post season mvp.

2. bubble spinner is presently the most addicting game on the web

this is not a statement to make you go check it out. it is a warning to stay away.

3. wherethehellismatt.com is one of the best blogs i’ve seen

check out the site. he has lived multiple lifestyles that you would die to have.

4. sporcle.com will never fail to bore you

a huge trivia question sites. categories range from the emperors of rome (pre-east/west split), the books in the Goosebumps series, all the way to closing lines to movies. it has topics for everyone.

5. the yankees will win the world series

cc, burnett, then teixeira. baseball is now back to hating the yankees. all is right in the world once again.

6. january 20th will be a glorious day

barack obama is the man.




2009 is only four days old. who knows what will happen next.

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Filed under the future

things that bother me

  1. people blocking you in while driving (the red cars block me, the grey car, from getting by them)
  2. hypocrites – a person(s) who acts in contradiction to his or her stated beliefs or feelings (thanks Merriam-Webster for such a succinct description)
  3. mets fans who are red sox fans only because of their hatred towards the yankees
  4. people beating me at mario kart 64 (happens in a blue moon)
  5. wasting money on shitty movies (the strangers, semi-pro, the da vinci code)
  6. people saying that lil wayne isn’t good
  7. the fact that the three main curse words (fuck, shit, bitch) are the worst thing in the world to some people. they’re just words. there’s an old children’s saying that might be useful here – “sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me.” soak that one up
  8. i haven’t won the lottery yet
  9. when chase utley goes 0-fer in a game (he just went 0-5 tonight)
  10. jewish holidays are pushed aside when it comes to having days off from school
  11. wang being out until september
  12. money not growing on trees
  13. martha stewart still having her own tv show
  14. the knicks drafting frederic weis instead of ron artest
  15. not having enough time in the day. don’t you wish we could run on Centaurian time (Men in Black reference, 37-hour days. Could be fun).

that is all. congrats to tiger woods for being the man.


for your viewing pleasure:


Filed under life, thoughts