Tag Archives: youtube

Hulu allows you to pick your poison

By Steve Pessah

Who out there is a fan of advertisements? Commercials? I envision nobody raising their hand (unless you sell ad space, etc.). The biggest reason I use Hulu, besides that I can watch The Office whenever I want to, is that they let me choose which ads I want to view before a show/movie comes on. That means that companies can still get their face time in with potential consumers while giving the consumer a choice on what to spend their next 30 seconds to 1 minute viewing.

This is in stark contrast to all other types of ads seen in the media (YouTube doesn’t give you a choice, and while TiVo allows you to eliminate ads by skipping, there is still a large portion of the population that doesn’t use it). Not even online gaming lets you choose what to watch (I play Poppit way too much).

Advertisers still have a job to do, so most companies should take a look at Hulu’s advertising model because they have found ways to get the message across while compromising with it’s viewers likes and dislikes (they also allow you to state whether the ad is “relevant” to you or not, allowing Hulu to tailor their future ads to your videos).

Watching an ad that at least interests me somewhat benefits me more than channel surfing while TBS is showing commercials during the dramatic end scene of a movie that they cut in the middle just so they have more ads to sell.

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Filed under internet, social media, technology, television, video clips

pet peeve 1

By Steve Pessah

ok. so i was going to start work, but i figured another post couldn’t hurt. my first pet peeve i will proclaim to the world is that i hate when you send people links, and they say, “what’s that?” or “what is this” or another variation of the sort.

first, if you just look at the link, most of the time you can figure out what it is that’s being sent. secondly, you know what your friends like, and what your friends dislike. you know that if you watch something on youtube, some of your friends will hate it, while others will think its the funniest thing on this side of the mississippi. if so facto (taken from dodgeball, not sure if that is quite the right thing to say, but just go with it), when you send a link to a friend, you have a 99 percent chance that they will like it.

so why does the friend ask the question? this, my friends, will go under the heading:

Unsolved Mysteries of the First Kind

that is all for now.

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