teto video

By Steve Pessah and Matt Burke


Back with some more videos.  Basically I find these vids all over the world wide internets on different sites, and then re-find them on youtube.  Hope people are actually watching these and enjoying them and I’m not just wasting my time.

On a completely different note, if this is my last post it’s because I’ve died of swine flu.  It’s the deadliest strand of anything to ever hit the earth, and probably the entire known, and unknown universe.  University of Delaware is having somewhat of an epidemic, it’s spread from 4 students to a possible 16 as of now, and probably thousands by the morning.

Back to my original note, here’s some videos!

The first is some extreme base jumping off cliffs in Baffin Island, in Canada.

Here’s a clip from The Whitest Kids U’ Know.

And finally, best for last, a clip from the award-winning documentary: Playing for Change: Peace Through Music. It follows a cover of “Stand By Me” as it makes it’s way around the globe.  Very uplifting stuff.



Your wishes have come true, Burke’s taking over the video section somewhat.  Basically any good video you see on here you know came from me.  They’ll range from hilarious to very cool tech stuff, anything that I find interesting and know you will too.  So make sure you check back often.

I’m going to start off with a couple more videos then I normally will because I’ve been stockpiling videos, putting off posting them.  Like I do with work.

Here’s a clip from the British (represent) television series Top Gear.  A Bugatti Veyron ($1.5Mil car) vs the pinnacle of jet fighter production: the Euro Fighter Typhoon.  The Bugatti is to drive a mile, turn around and drive a mile back.  The Typhoon is to fly a mile vertically and dive a mile back down, both crossing the same finish line.  Take a look at who wins.

The next is a test trial of a Javelin Anti-Tank Missile on an old Russian tank.

And here’s the French test-firing one of their Javelin Missiles.

Here’s a great video of a very extreme 19th hole 900 yard par 3 at the Legends Golf and Safari Resort.  I personally would never get that close to the edge.

And finally for today, I’m actually still trying to find out if I think this is funny or not, it might be so unfunny it’s funny again.



This video was sent to me by my good friend Mr. Chris Hotzak last night while I was on the brink of reconstructing my my thesis for the second time for a paper about the Partition in India and it took me really long and I finished at 730 am and then i realized it was a bad idea to try and sleep cause i would never wake up. I haven’t slept still, which is why I’m probably rambling. Anyway, not only is it a really kewl video, but it’s also got a tight beat yo.

And now, without further ado (sp?), ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, I now present you Noah and the Whale…….

It did not allow me to embed the video, so here is the link:

Noah and the Whale – 5 Years Time



Long time, no videos. Lo siento. To make up for it, here’s a video that will knock your socks off, permanently. (Watch in high quality.)

Thanks to Burke for the video.



Last May, the University of Delaware saw something that it has never seen before: a revolutionary airband. Sigma Alpha Mu put on a show that not one person in the audience will ever forget. Sammy did the Classics, and they did them well.

I posted this thrilling performance shortly after, but recently, our documentaryist (no, that word does not exist), Kevin Brett, put together a short teaser in preparation for his full documentary on Sammy’s Delaware’s last airband. Without further ado, here it is, with the performance of Sammy Syphony right below.

If you want to reminisce on the passing years, here are the airbands from 2007 and 2006.


Today is Dog Appreciation Day.

This is a little creepy, actually, very creepy.

Not creepy, just very talented dogs.


Bike Hero –  the future of Guitar Hero, take my word for it.


Three videos that make your jaw drop.

Rhythmic Gymnastics – when I did gymnastics at age 3 (don’t laugh), I never learned this stuff.

As Luck Would Have It – some of the luckiest and unluckiest people. This is pretty spectacular.

Downhill Longboarding – not only do these two guys dodge traffic, but they pass a camera back and forth. I was speechless. Start video at the 2:25 mark.


Nutrigrain Ad – For some silly reason, this commercial was banned. It’s such a shame, because it’s one of the funniest commercials I’ve ever seen. Afterwards, I just felt great.


Summer Heights High



Mr. G


Left 4 Dead Intro Video

3 responses to “teto video

  1. Pingback: “it’s a bummer heights high” « to each their own

  2. Jon

    three new videos are amazing. well done.

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