I Love My Parents, now.

By: Kris-Ann Panzella

Today I am going to journey home to the motherland for the first time since January 4th. I’m pretty psyched, I mean who doesn’t get psyched about New Jersey? It has so much to offer, like jug handles…and pork roll…and tax free clothing.

But all sarcasm aside, I’m jumping out of my skin with excitement, and I’ve been having trouble figuring out why. So I started to think, and it finally came to me: I’m really pyched to go home to chill with my Mom and Dad.

Crazy right? I wasn’t always this obsessed with my parents; my appreciation has truly come after some time. In high school I had no idea how cool my parents were, and i had very few awesome qualities to associate with them. But now, after time spent away, and growing up in my own right, I think my parents grew up a little too. They started enjoying themselves a little more now that they didn’t have to worry about my irresponsibility. I have to come to realize that while I am off at school having a blast, they are too, and therefore we are all cooler people.

Families are funny like that. Sometimes we need time apart from each other to really begin get to the point where you can get excited to spend time with each other.  It also has something to do with maturity.  There comes a time in every child’s life that you realize your parents were at one time exactly like you.  For instance, I may not be setting up afternoon tea in the single elevator of my dorm building to laugh at the pissed off and squished residents trying to get to their floor, and I may not have stowed away on a vacation cruise ship with my friends who threatened to rat me out if I didn’t get up to get them cocktails when they needed….but Mom and Dad I appreciate your old and new antics, and thanks for inspiring my own.  We may have different views on things like music, and clothing, and legalization, and Rush Limbfuck, but I still like you guys.

Viva la New Jersey.

Happy Birthday Bobarino.

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