Tag Archives: airband

videos to entertain the soul

airband 2009

burke when he wakes up

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Filed under video clips

sammy symphony

here is the video from the 2008 airband. i will also include the link when i embed videos since the screen is kind of small.

whether it was a movie, tv show, or broadway musical that i was watching, this was one of the best performances i’ve ever seen. everyone put in so much time and effort, and it came out so amazing. we placed 3rd, which was a huge surprise since we weren’t expecting to come close to placing. great job everyone.

sammy airband 2008. classic.


this will probably be my last post for a while. i’m going to costa rica for a week. if i can find a computer there, i’ll give some updates. enjoy airband.

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Filed under dance, music

airband, the 8th wonder of the world

today, ladies and gentlemen, is airband. if you dont know what airband is, i’ll give you a quick rundown. fraternities and sororities from the delaware campus create a 5 minute choreographed dance and perform it in the basketball stadium before thousands (i think it’s thousands?) of students, parents, friends, whoever. it is, hands down, one of the funnest things to be a part of.

i have figured out how to embed videos in my posts, so here’s the videos from the past 2 years. we won in 2006, and ended up finishing 2nd in 2007. we should have won, but we got robbed. enough about that though.

good luck to all you airbanders today. once the video from this airband goes up, i’ll post it.



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