Tag Archives: university of delaware

“America’s Hottest College Girl ’09”

By Steve Pessah

the University of Delaware student is at it again. Laurel, a sophmore from Wilmington, Delaware, is trying to overcome Kristy from Penn State in the 2009 Championship. College Humor hosts an annual competition that mirrors the NCAA march madness brackets. 64 girls square off to try and be named America’s Hottest College Girl, while people (mostly guys probably, but that’s just a guess) pick who they think will win. the winner gets $500 (not too shabby).

anyway, this tournament is counting down fast. voting ends at midnight, and the winner receives $5,000. currently, Laurel is behind by about 750 votes (down 46% to Kristy’s 54%), but it’s never too late to make a comeback. everyone get online and vote. lets show the country that even though UD has the worst advisement help, Greek life, and bar scene, we can still brag about having the hottest girls (and no sales tax).


Filed under college, sex, websites

an evening with Spike Lee

By Steve Pessah

Spike Lee came to UD to speak… I’m not exactly sure for what purpose, but my film class and another class were invited for a little Q and A session beforehand. so, in a midsized rectangular room in the center for black culture, Spike came in and entertained 22 students’ (2 were actually teachers) questions for over an hour.

his attitude kind of turned me off. he laxidasically answered everyones questions, sometimes giving a one-word/five-word sentence response, while other times his response was less stimulating than listening to Morse code. but that’s beside the point.

time was running out. i wanted to ask him some kind of question before he left. someone asked him about the Knicks already, but I felt he would still rather talk about them than about why he writes movies or what his inspiration is. those are questions he probably gets at every interview like this.

it came to me for the last question: “How long have you had your Knicks’ season tickets for, and how did you choose them?”

Spike: “I’ve had them since the day they got Patrick Ewing. Do you remember what happened that draft?” (He asked this back to me.)

Me: “Yeah.”

Spike: “What happened?”

(Holy shit, what the fuck happened?)

Me: “Oh man, you’re putting me on the spot…”

Spike: “Anyway…”

he then proceeded to tell the story. no where in his response did he address the second part of my question. my first, and most likely last interaction with Spike Lee, will be getting cut off because I had temporary memory loss.

the moral of the story: don’t fuck around with someone and tell them you have knowledge about something they love. they will ask you about, you will forget like i did, and then feel like an uber-noob.

The End.


Filed under comedy, life, movies, sports

airband, the 8th wonder of the world

today, ladies and gentlemen, is airband. if you dont know what airband is, i’ll give you a quick rundown. fraternities and sororities from the delaware campus create a 5 minute choreographed dance and perform it in the basketball stadium before thousands (i think it’s thousands?) of students, parents, friends, whoever. it is, hands down, one of the funnest things to be a part of.

i have figured out how to embed videos in my posts, so here’s the videos from the past 2 years. we won in 2006, and ended up finishing 2nd in 2007. we should have won, but we got robbed. enough about that though.

good luck to all you airbanders today. once the video from this airband goes up, i’ll post it.



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Filed under dance